September 2, 2021
Weaknesses of commonly used antibiotics for animals

There are many antibiotics for animals today in the market that are not that effective to the animal. Because these commonly used antibiotics have many weaknesses as they are not able to keep up with the modern bacterias. So in this article, you will be able to find out about theses weaknesses and defects in […]

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September 3, 2021
Common questions on the application of Butyric acid salts

There are many questions and misconceptions around the application of Butyric acid salts in general. Therefore with the help of this article, you will be able to get the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions in the industry. So you can have a better understanding of this chemical next time when you […]

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September 7, 2021
Benzoic acids & essential oils with synergistic antibacterial effects

Key points for acidifiers to improve animal gastrointestinal health.  1. Reduce gastric pH Young animals due to inadequate development of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric acid secretion is insufficient, acidifiers (such as phosphoric acid, formic acid, and citric acid, etc.) can reduce the pH of the stomach, on the one hand, can change the environment for […]

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September 7, 2021
Low-protein technology will increase demand for amino acids in China

For China's livestock industry, in the first half of the year, the pig price fell sharply, prices fell from a high of 36 yuan/kg at the beginning of the year all the way to the lowest point of 12 yuan/kg in June, a drop of more than 60%. Poultry prices keep low oscillation, 2018-2019 for […]

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September 9, 2021
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: expanding the scope of application of coenzyme Q10 residue

In August 2021, according to the "Feed and Feed Additive Management Regulations", the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China organized the National Feed Review Committee to review the applications submitted by some enterprises and decided to add to the "Feed Ingredients Catalogue" and "Feed Additive Species Catalogue (2013)" and expand the scope of […]

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